PHS Investigates: bathrooms

December, 2024
Emil Kapur • Joy Chen • Aarna Dharmavarapu

At PHS, bathrooms have slowly become the center of disruptive student activity during instructional periods. While these issues have been present in past years, their increasing frequency has raised concerns about student behavior and the learning environment. In response, administrators have introduced more rigid disciplinary and preventative measures to reduce inappropriate behavior.

As of now, vaping is one of the main issues identified in bathrooms, with administrators focused on addressing the health concerns associated with vaping.

“We don’t know who manufactures those things. We don’t know what’s put in them [or] if the new things have been out there long enough for the harmful effects on our bodies to be fully analyzed and researched,” said PHS Principal Cecilia Birge. “[Vapes] can also have marijuana [and] THC products in [them], and that clearly is connected to depression, ADHD, and other kinds of health impacts.”

Beyond vaping, large social gatherings have become a growing issue. The main concern is that socializing in the bathrooms creates overcrowding, making the space uncomfortable for students who are trying to use the bathroom.

“Whether you’re a freshman or you’re in your senior year, [if] you go to the bathroom and you see 10 to 15 people or less standing around, it’s a little awkward and unfortunate. So what we’re trying to do is to clear out the bathrooms just for bathroom usage, and not as a [place for] socializing,” said Scott Goldsmith, one of PHS’s building monitors.

To solve this issue, PHS staff have increased the number of bathroom sweeps, in which building monitors and administrators routinely inspect the bathrooms to check for inappropriate behavior.

“Personally, I usually do it every period. If not every other period, every day. With some of the other guys, they do it every other period or whenever they get a chance. Same thing with administration, whenever they get a chance, they pop their head in,” said Goldsmith.

When students are caught vaping or inappropriately socializing in the bathrooms, they are required to meet with their Assistant Principal and can face a variety of disciplinary actions, ranging from detention to suspension.

“If students are using or are in possession of substances at school, [then according to] our handbook, it’s an automatic suspension. Then, [it] depends on the number of infractions,” said Birge. “[It’s] three to five days out of school suspension [for the] first offense. A second is five to 10 days. And the third is another five to 10 days. When students are suspended more than 10 days during any school year, it raises the question [of] whether this building is the best fit for the student.”

But while routine sweeps are performed to minimize such disciplinary issues, emphasizing education ensures students understand its risks and make informed decisions.

“Our goal is to help students rather than penalize students,” said Birge. “Don’t promote the so-called ‘coolness.’ Recognize the harm that it does to your body and your mind.”

Though the work of the PHS administration has made progress in minimizing these activities, student reports are very useful for the main office and can help minimize the occurrence of vaping and other bathroom activities.

“Report it. You don’t have to report it right away,” said Goldsmith. “But whether it’s adults, students, staff, visitors, bathrooms are meant to be used as bathrooms.”

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