Andrew Kenny '23: track

June, 2023
Matthew ChenSports Co-Editor

Andrew Kenny ’23 lines up at the starting line alongside the other racers, scrambling to their positions before the shot of the starting pistol. For a brief moment, silence falls upon the track. Everyone’s hearts stop. Bang! The race is on.

Kenny’s track career so far has been extremely successful, including his qualification for the states tournament last year, captaincy of the team which led them to a Mercer County Tournament title, and commitment to Northeastern University for track. However, Kenny’s commitment to track almost halted early in his life when he was at a crossroads between two sports.

“We always ran the mile at Cranbury . . . and I would always do pretty well, but I didn’t really enjoy it,” said Kenny. “I wanted to play soccer, but my mom . . . convinced me to do cross country, and I’ve just gotten good at it.”

Kenny’s commitment to track is evident not only in his results, but also in the eyes of his teammates and coaches. PHS track team Co-Captain Marty Brophy ’23 witnesses Kenny’s dedication, commitment, and personality every day at practice.

“He sets a great example. He’s always warming up correctly, doing everything right, and he pushes people to be better than . . . they are,” said Brophy. “He’s been a great leader no matter what the circumstances were.”

Kenny’s journey to reach where he is now has been a long one, and accompanying him through it is longtime teammate and friend Akshay Patel ’23, who used to train and compete with Kenny on the same team in middle school. Patel has seen Kenny grow as both an athlete and a person and has seen the important role he plays in keeping the team together and organized.

“He is very vocal . . . usually, I would say, of the three [captains], probably the loudest voice,” said Patel. “If the group isn’t in line or something, he will sort of yell out and get them.”

Despite encountering setbacks due to a hip injury last summer, Kenny’s drive to recover and keep racing has allowed him to be in top shape towards the end of the spring track season, maintaining his consistently successful career.

“He had a little difficulty over the summer . . . so we made the deliberate choice to extend his recovery,” said PHS track team Coach James Smirk. “That’s not an easy place to be in, but he’s handled it with grace and focus. And really, if you look back at someone who has really given themselves the greatest opportunity to be as successful as they can be, he’s done it.”

Kenny’s hard work has allowed him to excel in his sport, and the dedication and perseverance has allowed him to pursue track at a collegiate level. He has committed to Northeastern University’s Division I track and field program for his freshman year.

“I was gonna go to a school that was also a good academic school,” said Kenny. “I wouldn’t say I was keen on going to Northeastern or Boston or anything from the start, but it’s kind of just how I ended up and I’m happy.”

While Kenny’s role as captain enforces a strong work ethic and hard work, he also keeps practices lighthearted and fun.

“He has this really easy demeanor when it comes to balancing having a good time, but also being focused and deliberate,” said Smirk. “Sometimes we take ourselves a little too seriously in track and field, and having him be able to lighten the mood while also showing an elite level of performance is something that has really kind of catalyzed our performances over the years.”

Kenny’s journey up to this point, fueled by his never-ending determination and hard work, has also made him an inspiration to those younger than him who aspire to pursue the same path.

“I’d say the biggest thing is just staying consistent,” said Kenny. “Running’s a lot different than a lot of other sports, so you’re not going to see results day in and day out. The best thing you can do is just stay consistent.”

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