Former PHS Principal Frank Chmiel Shares Thoughts for Class of 2023

June, 2023
Frank Chmiel

To the Editor:

Congratulations to the PHS Class of 2023! I am extremely proud of you. Graduating from Princeton High School is no small feat. PHS is marvelous, but it is also competitive, and pressure-filled. While the challenges push people to excel, they also cause stress. Thankfully, the school is filled with resources for students and many opportunities for positive experiences. The faculty, staff, and building leaders are all gifted, skilled, and hard-working individuals, who care about you. I know that they wanted nothing more than for you to finish off your PHS experience on a good note, and I hope that you finished your year positively.

I want to share a few thoughts. Never judge others and don’t judge yourselves too harshly either. Don’t compare yourself to others. Find ways to be your best you. Today, for example, you’re graduating from high school. That is an awesome achievement. There were some hard times for you, but you get to celebrate this moment together as Tigers. I had the privilege of bringing the classes of 1971 and 1972 on tours during my time as principal. I learned a lot by listening, and the best thing I observed was their school pride. I hope that as opportunities come for you to meet with your classmates again, you will make some time to return and remember your experiences at PHS.

Remember the PHS motto: Live to learn and learn to live. It’s the best motto I’ve come across as an educator. It’s carved into the wall on the outside of the Learning Commons. In an unofficial capacity, I added a little something to it last year. I told it to the Class of ’22 and now I’m telling you: Learn and live to give. Find ways to be kind to people and give. It can be your time or other resources. When you know someone is in need, don’t assume that someone else will help. You become the one to give.

I miss you and will continue to miss you, and I am so happy for you. Whether you won awards or not, are going to college, taking a gap year, or going into the workforce — whatever you do, just find ways to be happy. Please take time to relax and celebrate. Just please make sure to do so with moderation and safety.

It has been some time since I have seen most of you. It has been difficult not seeing you every day. Thank you for supporting me as your principal; for taking time to say hello, for not being embarrassed to invite me to cheer with you in the stands, or perform with you, or just to be seen having a conversation with me. I learned positive things from you, Class of 2023. I had a great experience being your principal. If you walked away learning any positive things from me, then I’m happy. Now, go and find ways to make our world a better place. Go Tigers!

Frank Chmiel

Horner Lane

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