The indictment ripple effect and the need for ethical leadership

April, 2023
Aishwarya Vedula

The recent indictment of former President Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the political world. While it remains to be seen whether or not he will be found guilty, the mere fact that a former president has been indicted is a significant development. Trump has pleaded not guilty to over 30 counts of hush-money payments in a recent court case that discusses Trump’s felonies starting from the 2016 presidential election. It is simply unfit for a person of that much status to have such a prominent role in a substantial scandal, and still have political power after the fact. Although we like to think that our political leaders have similar lifestyles to our own, due to their fabrication of a common-man life, we simultaneously hold them on a pedestal, assuming that their language and actions would reflect the high political power that they were able to earn. Ethical leadership must be a subject of discussion when such criminal offenses rise to the surface. The way that this redefines who is suitable for political power extends far beyond the political realm and has the potential to impact leadership across all sectors of society, including schools.

One of the most significant ways in which Trump’s indictment could change leadership in the future is by setting a new precedent for accountability. For too long, leaders in various industries have been able to act with impunity, knowing that they are unlikely to face any serious consequences for their actions. Trump’s indictment signals that even those at the highest levels of power are not immune to accountability. This message has the potential to trickle down to other sectors, including schools, where administrators and educators may feel emboldened to take a stronger stance on issues of ethics.

However, if Trump is able to get out of the indictment, this scandal could send a different message about leadership in our country. It could suggest that powerful individuals are able to use their influence to avoid facing consequences for their actions. This would be a discouraging message for those who are invested in promoting ethical leadership, particularly in schools.

As PHS continues to undergo leadership transitions, the importance of ethical and accountable leadership has become increasingly clear. It has become exceedingly important that we can rely on the people who are in power to be accountable and reliable, as well as transparent. Just as Trump’s indictment signals the need for accountability at the highest levels of power, our school must work to ensure that their leaders are held accountable for their actions. This includes implementing strong ethical codes of conduct, fostering a culture of transparency and honesty, and ensuring that those who violate ethical standards face appropriate consequences.

Ultimately, the impact of Trump’s indictment on leadership in the future will depend on the outcome of the case. However, regardless of the outcome, this event has already sent a powerful message about the importance of ethical and accountable leadership. As PHS continues to navigate leadership transitions, we must take note of this message and work to ensure that our leaders uphold the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

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