New Rock Climbing Club Brings Students to New Heights

February, 2023
Raymond Chang

This past year, Tommy Birge ’24 discovered his passion for rock climbing. Determined to share his

enthusiasm with others, he decided to begin a rock climbing club where both beginners and experienced climbers could come together and challenge themselves at greater heights. Although the club is a space for students to push their limits, the main focus of it is to not only encourage people to try something new, but also to have fun along the climb.

What is the Rock Climbing club about?

“The main goal is just to get some climbing in, both outdoors and indoors. We’re hoping to start off indoors and just to get people introduced... but hopefully [and] eventually, we might transition to outdoor climbing just because [there are] nice places nearby... But we also still have in school meetings like many other clubs.”

What events and activities do you have planned?

Where does the club meet?

“[We are] planning to do Fridays during break either in the lecture hall room or...even the advisors [in room] 66 I think. And we’re gonna start off just by telling what the club’s gonna do... maybe starting off watching some climbing, other YouTube videos or documentaries.”

What inspired you to start this club?

“I think it’s just a fun sport [...] I don’t think there was much... representation or just people working in [the] community of [rock climbing] at PHS like other sports, so I thought it would be fun to get started.”

What’s the best part about rock climbing?

“I think it’s the puzzle solving aspect of each individual climb, but also it’s just fun doing it live [on] the climb. There’s a normal sport aspect [where] we just get stronger, and it’s nice to feel that

progression. But also when you eventually go outdoors and get to that level, it’s just pretty as well. Rock climbing [is] just a cool sport... You don’t even have to be good at running, [it’s] just beginner friendly. It’s [open] to anybody. And also [we have a]

welcoming community. It’s actually really chill and nice.”

Where does the club go to climb?

“There [are] indoor places that [are about] 20, 30

minutes away. There’s Rockville Climbing Center [that is] between 20 and 30 minutes. [That is] for indoor gyms. And for actual outdoor climbing, there’s

bouldering which is like kind of local area. Then there’s the Ross Stover State Park which is an hour away which [has] actual rock climbing, which will be more long term, probably weekend trips.”

Where can we find more information?

“There’s the Instagram [@rockclimbingclubphs] and also the email [], which I think is also on Instagram.”

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