Homecoming Spread

October, 2023
Sophie Zhang

Cheer: How would you describe the routine (concept, music, stunts, challenges) & how is it different compared to previous years?

Ashlynn Potter ’24- “I think the routine is different this year because this year we were able to have a Universal Cheerleaders Association camp over the summer, so we learned a lot of dance routines during [those] three days. Our routine this year implements one of the UCA routines, and then changes and extends it afterwards. The music is very upbeat and is different from our typical remixes, but still very fitting. We had a lot of challenges to overcome with the stunts because of injuries, causing us to have to put in new stunters at the last minute. By working hard, we were able to do our best in making a more complex stunt routine. A lot of the stunts are also new which we’ve learned this year from the Princeton University coach, who came a few times with Princeton University cheerleaders to help us create our competition routines, which is something new in comparison to last year as well.”

“This year we were able to have a Universal Cheerleaders Association camp over the summer, so we learned a lot of dance routines during [those] three days. Our routine this year implements one of the UCA routines... and we were able to do our best in making a more complex stunt routine.”

Valeria Trujillo ’26- “Our cheer routine this year was very dynamic and an energetic performance. I think it showed our team’s determination and our spirit for the school. Compared to previous years, I think our team has added new stunts and movements to captivate the audience. I think our cheer routines have evolved to become more challenging, to look more united, and more entertaining to showcase the dedication and talent of our team.”

Alex Woodbury ’24- “Our routine is crazy with lots of different stunts and dance parts in it. This year is definitely more difficult than years prior! But the difficulty is what makes it fun as it pushes all of us! ”

Band: favorite song + why?

Ishaan Banerjee ’24- “I loved playing ‘Are You Gonna Be My Girl’ by Jet. Our drummer Sammy introduced us to the song, and it’s a super fun tune! The distorted guitar breaks and the moving horn lines make for a super energetic sound, and as always, Vivian sounded incredible on it.”

Wynne Baird ’24 (bass)- “Probably ‘I Wish’ –– it was fun to play on bass and I really like Stevie Wonder, so I was glad that it made the set list.”

Corbin Kasziba ’25- “‘Eye of the Tiger’ because it was... the song the crowd was most excited for.”

Football: which player really supported you/shone during the game how?

Joseph George ’25- “Definitely Elisio Moncada; He played really [well] at linebacker as always and made great plays throughout the game. I love playing next to him and we work really well together; we’re always there for each other on and off the field.

Anthony Famiglietti ’24- “Dante Digiulio; he was always putting the team first. And in the second half [of] his speech, ... he said, ‘Coach is right –– if we want to win it’s on us,’ and that really got me and the rest of the team going.”

Ellinton Foster ’26- “I would say Ben Walden... because he’s just there if you make a mistake. He’s gonna tell you and make sure you don’t do it again.”

Crowd: what are you wearing for the white out? What led you to this decision/what made you choose it?

Finn Neuneier ’24- “I’m wearing a white sweater –– white because of the white out, and a sweater because it’s cold.”

Glendy Deleon ’27- “I wore [a] white [Latinos Unidos t-shirt] for the white out and because of the weather.”

Annesofie Otte ’25- “I am wearing white jeans and an old Princeton football shirt. I’m wearing this to join in with the theme of [the] white out and I’m wearing the football shirt to match with the other managers.”

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