PHS Field Hockey team crowned division champions after successful season

October, 2022
Dester Selby-Salazar Paulo Henry Barbosa

On October 10, the PHS Field Hockey Team became the Colonial Valley Champions after winning 8-1 against Notre Dame. Currently climbing the bracket in the Mercer County Tournament, they have kept their undefeated streak thus far — the only team in their region to do so.

From the start to now, the PHS Field Hockey Team has been undefeated. Their strong season can be attributed to their cooperative team chemistry and admirable work ethic, which some of the players have cultivated since they were children.

“We have people who have literally known each other since they were babies on the team,” said Varsity Field Hockey Coach Heather Serverson. “Some of them grew up playing field hockey together and now they are playing for the high school team: that’s just something you can’t coach.”

While coaching this year’s team, Serverson felt that the players pushed themselves harder than the team in previous years. Field hockey Captain Gianna DiGioacchino ‘23 explains their passion for their desire to become division champions after coming close before.

“In the last few years, we’ve come close to winning it, especially as a captain this year, it would be the perfect thing to top off my career,” DiGioacchino said.

Many of the players also play for a club team in addition to the school team, further contributing to their skill level. However, for midfielder Delaney Keegan ’24, the team culture for the school team is much stronger than the club.

“I really like the tight-knit culture on the school's team. I hang out with them more than my club team, so I feel like I get to connect with them on a more personal level, it’s just an overall better environment. I think this has really contributed to our successes as well,” Keegan said.

In addition to their close team culture, Serverson attributes their ability to be successful to a strong selection of players on this year’s varsity team.

“We have really strong players playing in all our positions. We don't really have any weak links and we're really versatile too. I think that a lot of players can play more than one position, which is really helpful,” DiGioacchino said.

Being first seed in the Mercer County Tournaments has given them good matchups against other teams, which is what they’ve worked hard at for all season long. They competed in the Mercer County Tournament Semifinals scoring *update*.

“I’m definitely nervous [for the semifinals], but I’m excited. I think it’s a little nerve wracking, but we’ll be on an adrenaline rush from all the excitement [during] the round,” Keegan said.

Though they are having a successful season so far, DiGioacchino knows that it's not over yet and is still eyeing their ultimate goal of winning the tournament title.

“The most important thing is intensity,” said DiGioacchino. “We’ve been playing for almost 3 months now, so it's important not to burn out. “Continue playing our game” has always been our motto and will be important in the last stretch of this season.”

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